Friday, April 19, 2013

My Birth Story (by Emma Noelle Jester)

It was early in the morning on Sunday, April 14th, and I had given my mom lots of warnings throughout the night that I was planning my big debut that day. My dad had spent his spring break getting ready for me to come home, so they were ready for this moment.  Their bags were packed and they were excited about meeting me face to face!

We drove to the hospital at 6:00 that morning, but the doctor said that mom wasn't quite ready to be admitted yet.  She suggested we walk around the hallways for two hours and come back to see if it was time.  So we did, and we also took a detour to grab breakfast for mom (that lady is always hungry!), and when we got back, the doctor said we had done a great job! We could either get admitted now or walk the hallways for a while longer before coming in. Dad and mom felt like walking, so away we went again!

Once we finally got admitted and checked into our labor & delivery room, I threw everyone for a loop!  The nurse who was monitoring my heart rate had just finished saying how wonderfully everything was going, when suddenly a big contraction hit and my heart rate plummeted!  A lot of concerned doctors and nurses came into the room, and when they saw that I continued to be in distress, they rushed mom away to have an emergency c-section and rushed my dad away to get into scrubs. Mom and dad said it was the scariest moment of their entire lives and that they were really worried about me!  But by the time we were ready for surgery, I had begun to stabilize and my heart rate was much closer to normal, so everyone was pretty sure I would be alright.  I was born at 12:58 in the afternoon, and the doctor discovered that I had wrapped myself in my umbilical cord so many times, it had gotten pinched during mom's contraction!
Dad got to cut my pesky bungee umbilical cord.  He says I am not allowed to create any more drama for the rest of my life!

I came out yelling to let mom and dad know I was okay right away. Dad says I came out looking like a prize fighter, but I only weighed 5 lbs 12.8 oz.

Since mom was still getting stitched up, dad got to hold me first after I was born.

But eventually mom got to hold me, too.  She was so happy to see me!

Since my dramatic entrance, things have calmed down quite a bit and we've had some good times at the hospital.  My favorite part is that I get to be wrapped like a burrito 24 hours a day.

Dad changed my diaper, and neglected to tell me it was the very first time he'd ever changed a diaper before!  I would have sent him to some other kid's room for practice first.

But we made up afterwards.  I love that guy!

Mom gave me my first manicure after I accidentally scratched myself on the cheek.  Note to self: manicures are nice - schedule them often in the future.

By our second day at the hospital, my fan club began to arrive. Our first visitor was Nana, who flew all the way from Fort Worth, TX!  She wanted to sleep on a hard, uncomfortable cot in the hospital room so she could hear me cry during the night.  That seems a little crazy to me, but she's a great cuddler and I love her already.

Our friend Cynthia was my second visitor.  She had taken the best photos of me and my parents a few weeks ago, and we forgot to take her picture when she came to visit me!  Sorry Cynthia!

Next, Paul and Ann stopped by. Paul works with my dad and they have a son named Eli who is going to be one of my buddies when I'm ready to play with other kids.

Our friends Chris and Judy and their sons Ian and Jon also visited us. Those boys were super energetic and fun to watch!

Before we knew it, it was time to leave the hospital and go home.  I'm not going to lie, I was a little upset at first.

But I calmed down pretty quickly and was ready to start my next big adventure!


The.Ferlands said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE the blog from Emma...she looks just like Dan!
I also love her name:-)
So happy that she is finally here and in your arms. Hugs and kisses to all!!

Anonymous said...

We are rejoicing with you!!! She is beautiful! Congratulations. Can't wait to see the little precious!

The McGregor Clan said...

She's so beautiful!!! Glad all went well!

Murray said...

Thanks, Emma! Please take care of your parents - they're rookies, but they'll do fine. Their heavenly Father will provide them with wisdom and strength and patience... He's already given them the love they need for you. Tell them I love them very much and am so happy for them. Maybe one day, my wife and I will get to meet you! (For sure if Saskatoon can ever get an NHL francise!)

OCS said...

We are so THRILLED for you guys! I can't believe she was born shortly after we were there! It MUST have been the barbecue. :) I'm so sorry for the dramatic entry, but phew! She's here and is such a beautiful baby! You guys "done good." :)

Amy said...

Love this post! So glad she is here, and healthy! Love you guys, hugs from Missouri!