Friday, March 31, 2023

The Times Are Changing

 March brought a big change to our family when I switched jobs within my company, Epsilon Systems, and started working full-time again. My very supportive bosses have allowed me to work part-time ever since Emma was born, 10 years ago. I was *supposed* to go back to work full-time after Hallie started Kindergarten, but I somehow stretched it an extra year and a half, and I don't regret it at all. 

My first boss at Epsilon in San Diego was Ralph, the Vice President of Marketing and Proposals, who was the best manager I've ever had.  I enjoyed working for him as a Proposal Coordinator for about 12 years, and when Dan and I decided to move to Virginia, he let me keep my job and approved my transfer to our Portsmouth office.

Dan and I with my first manager, Ralph, and his wife, Danna.  This picture was taken in October of 2005 at the company picnic, just days after I started my job at Epsilon.

Ralph retired in 2017, and I began reporting to Rosemarie, our Vice President of Business Development. She works remotely from Philadelphia, and is planning to retire within the next couple of years. Recently, she told me that she wants me to work full-time, take on some of her business development responsibilities, and manage the proposal team for Epsilon. I'm flattered in her confidence in me, but I've actually been thinking about making a career change. I'm not interested in moving up the corporate ladder, since I know it would require more time and stress than I want to give. And after 17 years in the same position, if I work full-time again, I'd like to learn new skills instead of staying in a similar position with additional responsibilities and pressures. Just a short time ago, I had no idea that God had a new job already in the works! 

I'm very close friends with two ladies at Epsilon, Denise and Mona. Both are wonderful Christian women in their 60s, and we've spent a lot of our lunch hours together, talking and walking around the neighborhood for exercise. The three of us are also the "party planners" in our office.  This February, Mona decided to retire, and I wasn't surprised when Denise announced her intention to retire a month later.  

Denise, me, and Mona, setting up at our company 4th of July picnic.

While losing my closest office friendships is hard, I decided to make the change I was looking for and apply for Denise's position as a Contracts Administrator.  Her manager, Cristi, is an amazing and knowledgeable woman who loves the Lord and people. Cristi has recruited me in the past, but I wasn't ready to work full-time when she was hiring previously. This time, she asked me to apply for Denise's opening and I said I would. So, as of this month, I have a new job and career path at my company!

Left to right: Denise, me, my former boss, Rosemarie, and my new boss, Cristi.

In other news, Hallie has become quite a public speaker this year!  Each spring, every StoneBridge elementary student memorizes and recites scripture or a poem and the best from each class are selected to perform at a speech meet. Hallie was selected to recite Psalm 23 in front of the school and parents! 

She did a wonderful job saying it clearly and slowly. Several people commented that she had the poise of a high schooler!

She was also selected to read two parts during her classes' special chapel presentation.

During one of his late-night games in March, Dan was shoved into the goalpost headfirst from behind! It hurt, but it didn't stop him from playing the rest of the game. The players are all required to wear helmets, thankfully, and he didn't even realize he had a big cut on his scalp until he removed his helmet after the game was over, and it started bleeding heavily!  

We had to bandage it up well that night, but it was much better in the morning.

A local ice cream chain, Brewster's, has an annual "Pajama Day," where they give free ice cream cones to everyone who comes in their PJs. We met up with the Jester family to have ice cream, then we had lunch together to celebrate our nephew, Aaron's birthday. Eating dessert first is always a great way to celebrate!

As usual, our weather fluctuates like crazy in the spring and wreaks havoc on our allergies. We've had some very pretty days, though, and we've tried to make the most of them. 

We've gone to our local parks and playgrounds when we have warm weather.

Right before Spring Break, Emma's class finished reading "Swiss Family Robinson," and had a special day to celebrate. The kids got to dress up as characters and animals from the story and do fun activities and crafts. I volunteered to lead the Treasure Hunt, which was a scavenger hunt with clues planted around campus, that ended at a treasure chest with individual bags filled with small toys and candy for each student.

Emma's class listened to instructions from their teacher before they rotated to their stations. They did a treasure hunt, an obstacle course, created a treehouse craft, made butter, and learned about survival skills.

Emma dressed up as one of the pet donkeys in the story.

We hosted a birthday party for our nephew, Josiah, at our house one weekend.

The kids love having their own table during meals, so they can talk about gross things without the adults asking them to stop. heh! 

Josiah and his birthday cake - plus we had 6 of his very favorite ice cream flavors, too.

These girls are feeling lucky - and they're ready for Spring Break to start!

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