Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Steve and Meera's Visit!

 My brother, Steve, and his daughter, Meera, spent some of their Spring Break with us in Virginia! Meera (age 7) falls right between Emma and Hallie's ages, and they're like three peas in a pod when they get together. We missed Steve's wife, Sheila, and their son, Rowan, but the two of them were able to spend time with Sheila's parents that week.  

These girls were inseparable for 5 days straight!

Steve and Meera arrived on Emma's 9th birthday! Since Meera's 7th birthday was earlier that week, we had a joint party for the two of them.

One of Emma's gifts was this fort-building kit. Put it together, throw some sheets or blankets over it, and voila! Somehow the girls all squeezed in there to play.

Emma also received a Magic Mixie, that revealed a special stuffed animal after she completed the magic spell.

Emma and Hallie loved having sleepovers with Meera!

Meera requested that we go to a farm again during her visit, so we introduced her and Steve to Bergey's Farm in Chesapeake.

The spring babies were so cute, and we had a blast! 

There were rather large piglets who ran to cuddle with whomever sat down in their pen with them.

Meera making some new friends.

Hallie and Meera were in heaven holding these tiny fluffy bunnies. We went back several times to hold them again before we left.

Emma loved the baby goats the best. She was really good at catching and holding them.

Hallie was the only one young enough to have a pony ride this time.

We took a wagon ride around the farm before we left.

A photo of the adults playing Quirkle. We spent half our time at my parents' house and half our time at our house. I took time off from work during their visit, but Dan worked each weekday and joined us at night.

Just before Steve and Meera flew back to Boston, we celebrated Easter Sunday with them. After church, we drove to Dan's brother, Tim's, house for a big lunch and an Easter egg hunt.

It was a pretty day to play outside, and Meera jumped right into the fun with the Jester cousins.

The kids holding up their bags of loot from the Easter egg hunt

Half the eggs had money and half had candy inside. I'm not sure which one Meera was more excited about.

We watched "Hop" that night and had our last sleepover. The girls dressed as Easter bunnies and were singing "I Want Candy!" (one of the songs from "Hop")

Before Steve and Meera flew home, the girls had most of the day to play, jump on our trampoline, and dye Easter eggs together. We always love our time with Steve and his family, and we can't wait to see them again!

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