Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Coming Soon...

We had pregnancy photos taken before Emma was born, and I wanted to do the same before baby girl comes.  Dan's mom was nice enough to drive down from Williamsburg and take some pictures of us at Lake Christopher, which is just a few blocks away from our new house.

I've generally felt the same during this pregnancy as I did last time, which is awkwardly large but great overall.  The last trimester was/is the hardest part for me, and the Virginia summer heat coupled with all the playing, carrying, and picking up after a toddler has made this last stage much more challenging and tiring. I'm pretty sure I spent the last three months of my last pregnancy sitting with my feet up and eating bon bons, so it's hard to compare. We've got about six more weeks until we meet our new baby girl, and we cannot wait!

Dan obviously didn't get the memo that he was supposed to show off his big belly. Ha!

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